Virtual Machine setup
Using Vagrant
Virtual Machine prerequisite
● Enable Virtualization in BIOS OR UEFI Settings.
● VTX should be enabled.
● Enable Secure virtual Machine.
● Enable Virtualization / virtualization technology.
Disable other windows virtualization
● Microsoft Hyperv
● Windows hypervisor platform
● Windows subsystem for linux
● Docker desktop
● Virtual Machine platform
● Disable antivirus if any
Reboot machine after changes
Chocolaty installation
1. RUN - Get-Executionpolicy in powershell using administration access
If returns restricted.
2. RUN - set-Executionpolicy in powershell using administration access
Then it should show Allsined after running Get-Executionpolicy command.
Then RUN Command provided in documentation of chocolaty in powershell.
3. Note: for all above commands use powershell with administration access.
Link for chocolaty installation
Software installation using chocolaty
choco install virtualbox -- version=7.0.8 -y
choco install vagrant --vagrant=2.3.4 -y
choco install git -y
choco install corretto11jdk -y
choco install maven -y
choco install awscli -y
Launch Centos stream 9 VM using Vagrant
Create dir vagrant-vms which includes all virtual machines created using vagrant.
Create folder centos
In centos folder Run
vagrant init eurolinux-vagrant/centos-stream-9
Within same folder
vagrant up (to start vm)
vagrant box list (to list down locally available boxes)
vagrant status (describe status of vm)
vagrant ssh(to access cli of vm)
Launch Centos stream 9 VM using Vagrant
vagrant halt (stop vm)
vagrant reload (reboot)
vagrant destroy (destroy vm & its resources from system)
-Code With VDK